Tuesday 29 September 2015

Treatement Part 2

Powered by emaze Link for Emaze presentation: https://www.emaze.com/@AILZLCQZ/final-treatment-part2 Unfortunately, the Emzae presentation would not fit on the blog page and bits were missing, so I have given the link for it.

Propp's theory of narrative and character profile states that narratives are shaped and directed by certain types of character. He said there are seven character types, however only one of the seven types apply to the character profiles in my production. The villain is Lorna as a ghost, she struggles with protagonist Mary-Louise. It could be seen that mean girl Luci is a false hero as she somewhat claims innocence and claims to be the hero, as she almost denies her participation in the cutting of Lorna's hair, and pretends to be innocence and a hero that saves the day by going up against Lorna however gets killed.

Monday 28 September 2015

Final treatement, part 1

This is the first part of my group task: the final treatment- this consists of a brief presentation about what our production is about, skimming the surfaces of our ideas.


For the final stage of our development, we are required to conform our final ideas and concept in detail, we will then present these ideas to our class. This treatment will consist of the narrative in detail, synopsis, props, costume, location, characters/actors, and more precise and detail information about our trailer. It will also include some background information about our target audience and sub-genre. The treatment will also have a bit about our film influences. We also included a Team logo and production name so we (as resolution studios) can be recognised by our target audience.

Diary entry

Last week we formed our groups. I have been allocated with the task of doing the concept/treatment. So far I have written down on paper the basic plot of our horror trailer "girl with the log blonde hair" and I am still working out and organising alongside my group things such as location, costume, props and target audience. This week I will have uploaded my work onto various software's such as emaze and prezzi; I will have finished the whole concept/treatment by Wednesday, it will be uploaded by Thursday latest- after doing this, I plan to help my other teammates with their genre tasks. in a nutshell, all I need to do is conform what is on my paper onto the computer in cool and visually pleasant ways. This week I have done an essay on genre, exploring different theories, which has helped me when plotting the format of my trailer.

Friday 25 September 2015

Jasmine May; Timed Essay: Genre

The genre of my film trailer ‘Succubus’ horror, the subgenre is thriller meaning it immediately conforms to theorist Chandler’s theory stating that that films have genres and subgenres. The subgenre of my production is thriller because it contains its own conventions- an element of mystery/investigation, shown through a teen boy researching in the library and on a computer. My production is somewhat hybrid because it contains a supernatural element; the succubus is a supernatural creature shown by her demonic tail. Theorist burton spoke about the conventions of the horror genre, explaining how characters predicaments, icons, background/décor and themes. This theory applies to ‘succubus’ to an extent as I have included stock characters-the teenage boy who is quite nerdy and unpopular; this is portrayed through the use of mise en scene as I have put him in glasses. I have also included the typical situation within the horror genre ‘The chase scene). It is typical for this situation to be at the end, so I have put it at the end of my trailer, when the succubus chases the victim and protagonist (the teen researcher) in a dramatic final scene. Barton also spoke about the use of icons to create genre; I have somewhat developed this idea. Rather than including the stereotypical ‘knife’ (common icon in horror films) I have made the phallic object actually attached to the succubus- it is on the end of her tail. I have done this because the idea on the penetrative object being attached to the antagonist is even more terrifying (particularity to my target audience of men). With regards to background and décor, I’ve challenged this by using everyday settings such as houses, and London, city settings to create a sense of realism. Neal spoke about the stages of development and familiarity with innovation. (Conforming to original ideas but adding twists to prevent the genre from getting predictable). He spoke about the stages of development: Experimental – experimenting/forming conventions. Classical- When conventions are established. Revisionist- conventions are bent as films become cliché. Parodic-Parodies/mocking original ideas. My production is within the classical stage as it conforms to rules of the thriller genre. I have conformed by including a strong mystery/investigative element, made evident through the teen investigator/protagonist shown researching ‘succubus’ and actually going after the antagonist. I have also included a ‘stereotypical’ scene of the killer standing directly behind a victim with a knife/phallic object- The end scene when the succubus is behind her next victim about to harm him with her tail. This is seen is classical thriller film ‘Psycho’ 1960 in the famous shower scene, when the killer is behind the women with a knife. Theorist Altman discussed how genres offer audiences different pleasures: emotional pleasures, intellectual pleasures and visceral pleasures (Jumps/scares). My production contains intellectual pleasures due to the investigative element and the audience (alongside the teen boy) having to work out who/what the succubus. Intellectual pleasure is provided in fellow horror film, ‘prom night’ when the investigator is trying to piece together who and where the antagonist it. My production contains visceral pleasures as there are quick cuts and jump scenes, for example, when a dead and bloody victim appears in the background. Extreme close ups of the succubus are used (alongside scary makeup) to create visceral pleasure. Furthermore my work contains loud ‘booms’ to make the audience jump.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Summer task: Horror movie poster

The first one didn't really look like other thriller horror film posters, and looked somewhat like a storybook, or very fictional which isn't the look I was going for

I then modified and improved it: